Some would say it isn't a fine piece of jewelry unless there is a gemstone present. I guess I would agree with that statement for the most part. Although there are some beautiful examples of jewelry that is made from gold only or silver or platinum. And considering bone or ivory and what about feathers, pine cones and shells, you get the idea. But yeah, nothing compares to the sparkle of a gemstone. I have discovered some websites that will be valuable resources for all things gemstones.
Gemselect - Buying loose gemstones from this website is not a problem. Positive customer feedback is abundant. A brief in-depth history plus description of a very lengthy list of gemstones is at your fingertips. They know there stuff! Whether for research or purchase, this site is a must.
Geology - This might not be a route you have considered before. Sure there is information on other subjects relating to geology but that doesn't over shadow the gemstone information. The scientific approach is a given but they include the more mainstream information as well. The links are abundant. They include teacher resources and provide free printable maps. They have a store as well and that's where you will find gold mining equipment and a lot more. Trust me, you will love it!
Gemstones Advisor - This website is stuffed with information about gemstones, not unlike the sites above. But this website goes a little bit farther. A lengthy history and proper description are well written. They also focus on current trends and values. You'll find jewelry tutorials. And the illustrations are incredible.
I'll let you know when I stumble onto any more. But what about your favorite websites for jewelry. I would love to know about them. Leave this information in a comment and I will be sure to visit all of them asap.