Tuesday, February 19, 2019

In With the Old Bring On the New!

In With the Old
Vintage old that is. 1950's through the 90's is vintage and Vintage era. I had been researching antique style, while my collection blossomed into the styles of Vintage. 

S&S aka sweetandspark.com  educates their readers about vintage jewelry. Interesting facts and the how-to-wear posts are inspiring, They also sell one-of-a-kind vintage for a reasonable price. This is one of those sites to help me with dating my own pieces. School me on vintage costume jewelry by the decade.

Bring On the New!
I am talking about the new ideas for vintage jewelry. No matter what you call it; creative reuse, re-purpose or up-cycle. It's the same thing. I'm a huge fan of this type of "crafting." The traditional intention for the wearing of each item has it's place in jewelry history royalty. But, the new ideas are charming and sexy.

A vintage jewelry collection on display in a shadow box hung on the wall. A personal touch that shows off your talents. The earrings grandma wore when you were little always matched her necklace. Maybe you have a picture of her from back then. Get creative or just keep it simple, you decide. You know it will always make you smile when you look at it and remember. My point is don't just pack stuff away. If there is a lot, share with family members. I bet everybody has fond memories of your grandma.  Admiring your treasures is what it's all about.

Vintage brooches are becoming quite popular and can be seen attached just about anywhere.

I have seen a cameo brooch as the adornment for a loose bun style. The cameo was positioned on the back underside instead of the traditional front or on top of the style. It was subtle charm and I liked it. 

Creative suggestions can be found all over the Internet. That little pocket in a pocket does have a purpose. Very subtle, cute and charming.  

Don't stick to the traditional approach. Pin the brooch on the back, side or front. Maybe a cluster of two or more finishes the look. Put you're thinking cap on. Intended.

These items look as if they are missing something to me.  A set of brooches takes "matching accessories" to the next level.

A rhinestone brooch placed on the back of a dress, right on top of the closed zipper, adds the right touch of elegance and charm to an already stunning look.

Check out this link for more ideas. https://www.pinterest.com/sweetandspark/how-to-wear-brooches/?lp=true

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